miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013


There was some similarities between the video and the Alvin Ailey dance company. The dancer's race was the same. Also, the movements were similars. The women's clothes in the video was a long dress like the women's clothes of the Alvin Ailey dance company. Altough, both dance have an important meaning in the culture. They express their feeling trough the movements of the dance.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Holidays In Other Countries

The use of English was used, because it is one of the most language used around the world. The countries want the rest of the world to know about their holidays. As they show the description of the holidays in English, it will make easy for other countries to understand the meaning of each holiday.
I learned about their culture and the way the enjoy the holidays. Also, I found similarities and differences in the way they celebrate some holidays.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Personal Culture

Sports are a way to change the life´s people. In my case, voleyball has made me a healthy person and has changed the way I live my life. Every sport makes a change in the personality of a person, because the person becomes more competitive and take care about his or her body. Also, this helps a person to be more disciplined and responsible.

Economic Empoverment For Women

I would lend money to Erika Patricia. Because I think her business is the most success. Ice cream, candy and drinks are products that have a great demand around the world and she could sell it faster.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Kenyan Matatu Drivers

1. How are Matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC?
Matatu drivers received a bad treatment. Firstable, the cops accused them for things that they did not do it. Then, the touts thought they were filming them to sell it when Matatus go back to their country. Matatu drivers were tread in this way because of the stereotypes that Kenyans have about them.

2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the kenyans have of matatu drivers?
In Barranquilla, we usually think that the mototaxistas are thiefs. This happens because the real thiefs transport themselves in motorbikes. Another thought about mototaxistas is that in a car accident between a car and a motorbike, the fault is of the mototaxista.


After to see the video about afrocolombians, it is possible to infer that this people is treated like they were different and less important than the others. This began a long time ago and even thought they have tried to change that, they have not be able to achieve it. They live in poverty and all of them are not allowed to study in universities. This racism will continue existing if the persons do not change the negative beliefs about afrocolombians.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

My favorite carnivals moments

My favorite carnival moment was when I was drunk at the differents events. Also I enjoyed being with my friends during the holidays.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013


 1. What do we learn about Tuareg culture from this video? 
From this video I can learn about the Tuareg culture that they drink a lot of tea. They are so close and celebrate their holidays together. Also, it is possible to see the way they wear and how they appreciate the water.

2. Keeping in mind what you learned from this interview, how does seeing the visuals within the video and knowing the meaning of the lyrics give us a deeper understanding of Tuareg culture?
The video and the lyrics of the music give us an idea of their culture, because they transmit what they are living everyday and the way they keep a relationship between each other.

Barranquilla - 2013 Cultural

1. Why was Barranquilla chosen?
Barranquilla was chosen because of the cohesion that exist around the culture and the positivism that the city has. Also, the international proyection that Barranquilla has. 

2. Will Barranquilla receive any of the economic benefits Liverpool hoped to from being named a cultural capital?
The reconigtion of Barranquilla as cultural capital will allow the promotion around the world of the city.  The chanels Antena 3 from Spain and Discovery Networks has a convenius with bureau that promote the city and this could atract tourists that will generate increases in the economy of Barranquilla.

American man teaching English in Uganda

What different point of view do we see in this story?
In this story we can see two different points of view. One of these is the black man who is just trying to help and do what he uses to everyday to get some money. And the other point of view is the white man, he is trying to do his work too. He just want some peace and the black man is anoying him without intention.

Explain the reasons behind the miscommunication that occurred between these two men.
The reason why these two men have the miscommunication is because they belong to differents countries and they are just doing what they usually do in their town. Also, they are from differents social classes and it is difficult to each one understand the actions of the other.

About me

Hello, my name is Carolina Consuegra. I am 19 years old. I study civil engineer. I am in fifth semester.I like to watch movies and series, specially drama and romance. I like to go out with my friends and spend time with my family. In my free time, I like to dance, play tennis and swim. I hope you to enjoy my blog!