martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Kenyan Matatu Drivers

1. How are Matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC?
Matatu drivers received a bad treatment. Firstable, the cops accused them for things that they did not do it. Then, the touts thought they were filming them to sell it when Matatus go back to their country. Matatu drivers were tread in this way because of the stereotypes that Kenyans have about them.

2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the kenyans have of matatu drivers?
In Barranquilla, we usually think that the mototaxistas are thiefs. This happens because the real thiefs transport themselves in motorbikes. Another thought about mototaxistas is that in a car accident between a car and a motorbike, the fault is of the mototaxista.


After to see the video about afrocolombians, it is possible to infer that this people is treated like they were different and less important than the others. This began a long time ago and even thought they have tried to change that, they have not be able to achieve it. They live in poverty and all of them are not allowed to study in universities. This racism will continue existing if the persons do not change the negative beliefs about afrocolombians.